About the Vision bearers

Robinah Alambuya

Robinah Alambuya


Robinah Nakanwagi Alambuya (Mrs) is a woman living with psycho-social disability. She was raised and grew up in a rural afican family, born of a mother who lived with an epilepsy condition  and a grandmother who was totally blind . Robinah experienced emotional and mental distress at an early age and just like many other people she was at risk of taking away her life.

To support people and see the fruit of recovery the human need is sincere Love above all, love is the most excellent way,love never fails…Billy

Robinah is now  married to Billy who is a member of the Apostolic  Leadership team of the family of Deliverance churches in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Eastern DRC, Billy has served as senior pastor in Entebbe and Jinja carrying out Evangelistic ministries in schools, churches, conferences and seminars in Uganda and other countries. Robinah and Billy are blessed with four children. 

Robinah is a qualified graduate of Bachelor of Science with a post graduate Diploma in Education from Makerere University Uganda; she holds a certificate in Mental Disability Law in Practice from Central European University Budapest, Hungary. Robinah has emerged as a passionate inspiring leader, Disability advocate and mental health Activist in her generation.With an extensive hand on experience with in communities, working with vulnerable groups and organisations at both policy making and implementation levels. Right from the grass root community, Robinah has a proven track record  of leadership at local,regional and international levels. 

Robinah’s inner motivation, enthusiasm, zeal, passion, sacrifice, courage and commitment to people’s welfare have inspired many.

 Robinah has represented people with disabilities at different forums including World Health Organisation(WHO) and the United Nations.

International responsibilities


Transforming Communities for Inclusion (TCI/Global)

Vice Chair

Africa Disability Forum (ADF)

Board member

Board member to the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP) 2013-2022

Board member

Member of Established Women Leaders Network – Disabled People International (DPI)


Advisory member of the global Mental Health Innovation Network (MHIN)

Local responsibilities

Executive Director

Triumph Mental Health Support 



Peer Support worker

Peer Support Worker and Recovery Trainer at Butabika National Mental Health Referral Hospital- Uganda from 2012 to 2014

First Aider

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Trainer for the Armed Forces and their communities.


Using lived experience to raise awareness about persons with disabilities, their support needs, abilities and potentials and need for community inclusion with respect of diversity. 

"Loved to Love, Blessed to bless, Comforted to comfort, Helped to Help Consoled to console, Given to give, Supported to support and Now thanks be to God who causes us to TRIUMPH through our Lord Jesus…. Robinah